{ "patcher" : { "fileversion" : 1, "rect" : [ 212.0, 60.0, 1710.0, 925.0 ], "bglocked" : 0, "defrect" : [ 212.0, 60.0, 1710.0, 925.0 ], "openrect" : [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], "openinpresentation" : 0, "default_fontsize" : 12.0, "default_fontface" : 0, "default_fontname" : "Arial", "gridonopen" : 0, "gridsize" : [ 15.0, 15.0 ], "gridsnaponopen" : 0, "toolbarvisible" : 1, "boxanimatetime" : 200, "imprint" : 0, "enablehscroll" : 1, "enablevscroll" : 1, "devicewidth" : 0.0, "boxes" : [ { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "hidden" : 1, "id" : "obj-12", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "bang" ], "patching_rect" : [ 1061.0, 194.0, 60.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "loadbang" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-13", "maxclass" : "number", "maximum" : 1000, "minimum" : 2, "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "int", "bang" ], "patching_rect" : [ 1107.0, 225.0, 50.0, 20.0 ] } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-14", "linecount" : 2, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 1254.0, 562.0, 363.0, 34.0 ], "text" : "Syphon does not rely on screen capture, so you can minimize and hide source windows and applications, and frames still flow." } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-16", "maxclass" : "message", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 1225.0, 600.0, 61.0, 18.0 ], "text" : "visible $1" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-20", "maxclass" : "toggle", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "int" ], "patching_rect" : [ 1225.0, 572.0, 20.0, 20.0 ] } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-22", "maxclass" : "message", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 1212.0, 447.0, 165.0, 18.0 ], "text" : "servername \"Syphon Server\"" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-24", "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 1361.0, 351.0, 147.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "Just for display purposes." } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-83", "linecount" : 4, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 1165.0, 215.0, 314.0, 62.0 ], "text" : "Note that the framerate you drive your jit.gl.syphonserver instance also controls the rendering speed of the attached clients. Lowering your framerate is beneficial to the whole system, as clients slow down as well." } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-81", "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 1102.0, 417.0, 271.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "Change the human readable name for the frame." } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-76", "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 1216.0, 308.0, 384.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "Create a matrix (you can also send the output of a jit.gl.texture object)." } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-77", "maxclass" : "message", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 1099.0, 447.0, 103.0, 18.0 ], "text" : "servername Jitter" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-80", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "jit_matrix", "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 1076.0, 308.0, 135.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "jit.noise 1 char 640 480" } } , { "box" : { "fontface" : 1, "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 24.0, "id" : "obj-36", "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 978.0, 60.0, 255.0, 34.0 ], "text" : "jit.gl.syphonserver" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-26", "maxclass" : "jit.fpsgui", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "", "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 1061.0, 630.0, 80.0, 36.0 ] } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-28", "linecount" : 6, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 978.0, 105.0, 506.0, 89.0 ], "text" : "jit.gl.syphonserver publishes a jit.matrix or a jit.gl.texture to the system, which other Syphon Clients can then discover and display. Frames published by jit.gl.syphonserver handle 32 bit ARGB images, (8 bits per channel) and properly respect alpha channel, so you can publish images with transparency/masks and keys applied with no issue. jit.gl.syphonserver's only configurable message is the servername message which is a descriptive human readable name describing the frame." } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-67", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "erase", "bang" ], "patching_rect" : [ 1061.0, 569.0, 57.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "t erase b" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-68", "maxclass" : "button", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "bang" ], "patching_rect" : [ 1023.0, 225.0, 20.0, 20.0 ] } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-69", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "jit_matrix", "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 1094.0, 351.0, 266.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "jit.gl.videoplane servercontext @blend_enable 1" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-70", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "bang", "bang" ], "patching_rect" : [ 1061.0, 283.5, 34.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "t b b" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-71", "maxclass" : "toggle", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "int" ], "patching_rect" : [ 1061.0, 225.0, 20.0, 20.0 ] } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-27", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "bang", "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 1061.0, 600.0, 145.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "jit.gl.render servercontext" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-73", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "bang" ], "patching_rect" : [ 1061.0, 252.411499, 65.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "qmetro 16" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-74", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "bang", "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 1225.0, 625.0, 138.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "jit.window servercontext" } } , { "box" : { "color" : [ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ], "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-75", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 1076.0, 490.0, 366.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "jit.gl.syphonserver servercontext @servername SyphonServerHelp" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-1", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 824.0, 72.0, 107.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "jit.gl.syphonserver" } } , { "box" : { "buffername" : "", "id" : "obj-17", "maxclass" : "waveform~", "numinlets" : 5, "numoutlets" : 6, "outlettype" : [ "float", "float", "float", "float", "list", "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 584.0, 266.0, 256.0, 64.0 ], "textcolor" : [ ] } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-62", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "int" ], "patching_rect" : [ 284.0, 506.0, 32.5, 20.0 ], "text" : "* 2" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 11.595187, "id" : "obj-72", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 0, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patcher" : { "fileversion" : 1, "rect" : [ 86.0, 108.0, 235.0, 205.0 ], "bglocked" : 0, "defrect" : [ 86.0, 108.0, 235.0, 205.0 ], "openrect" : [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], "openinpresentation" : 0, "default_fontsize" : 10.0, "default_fontface" : 0, "default_fontname" : "Arial", "gridonopen" : 0, "gridsize" : [ 15.0, 15.0 ], "gridsnaponopen" : 0, "toolbarvisible" : 1, "boxanimatetime" : 200, "imprint" : 0, "enablehscroll" : 1, "enablevscroll" : 1, "devicewidth" : 0.0, "boxes" : [ { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 11.595187, "id" : "obj-7", "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 86.0, 67.0, 114.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "Escape ASCII Code" } } , { "box" : { "comment" : "", "id" : "obj-2", "maxclass" : "outlet", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 27.0, 157.25, 25.0, 25.0 ] } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 11.595187, "id" : "obj-3", "maxclass" : "message", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 27.0, 127.25, 119.0, 18.0 ], "text" : "fullscreen $1, getsize" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 11.595187, "id" : "obj-4", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 0, "numoutlets" : 4, "outlettype" : [ "int", "int", "int", "int" ], "patching_rect" : [ 27.0, 37.0, 46.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "key" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 11.595187, "id" : "obj-5", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "bang", "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 27.0, 67.25, 57.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "select 27" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-6", "maxclass" : "toggle", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "int" ], "patching_rect" : [ 27.0, 97.25, 20.0, 20.0 ] } } ], "lines" : [ { "patchline" : { "destination" : [ "obj-2", 0 ], "hidden" : 0, "midpoints" : [ ], "source" : [ "obj-3", 0 ] } } , { "patchline" : { "destination" : [ "obj-5", 0 ], "hidden" : 0, "midpoints" : [ ], "source" : [ "obj-4", 0 ] } } , { "patchline" : { "destination" : [ "obj-6", 0 ], "hidden" : 0, "midpoints" : [ ], "source" : [ "obj-5", 0 ] } } , { "patchline" : { "destination" : [ "obj-3", 0 ], "hidden" : 0, "midpoints" : [ ], "source" : [ "obj-6", 0 ] } } ] } , "patching_rect" : [ 134.0, 422.0, 90.0, 20.0 ], "saved_object_attributes" : { "default_fontname" : "Arial", "globalpatchername" : "", "fontface" : 0, "default_fontsize" : 10.0, "fontsize" : 10.0, "default_fontface" : 0, "fontname" : "Arial" } , "text" : "p esc-fullscreen" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-55", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "bang", "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 44.0, 452.0, 158.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "jit.window x @depthbuffer 1" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-54", "maxclass" : "toggle", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "int" ], "patching_rect" : [ 59.0, 116.0, 81.0, 81.0 ] } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-52", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "bang" ], "patching_rect" : [ 59.0, 206.0, 65.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "qmetro 25" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-51", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 3, "outlettype" : [ "bang", "bang", "erase" ], "patching_rect" : [ 46.0, 392.0, 67.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "t b b erase" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-50", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "bang", "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 44.0, 422.0, 79.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "jit.gl.render x" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-2", "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 59.0, 86.0, 150.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "show buffer~ data in GL." } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-11", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 284.0, 416.0, 111.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "loadmess coords 0" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-10", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 6, "outlettype" : [ "", "int", "int", "int", "int", "int" ], "patching_rect" : [ 284.0, 476.0, 172.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "unpack coords 0 0 0 1440 900" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-8", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 284.0, 446.0, 66.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "jit.displays" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-5", "maxclass" : "jit.fpsgui", "mode" : 3, "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "", "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 284.0, 596.0, 80.0, 36.0 ] } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-61", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 284.0, 536.0, 77.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "prepend dim" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-58", "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 509.0, 566.0, 245.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "convert to 3d vertices for mesh" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-56", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "jit_matrix", "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 254.0, 566.0, 254.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "jit.expr 3 float32 16384 @expr norm[0] in[0] 0." } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-49", "linecount" : 2, "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 9, "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "jit_matrix", "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 254.0, 641.0, 579.0, 34.0 ], "text" : "jit.gl.mesh x @draw_mode line_strip @color 1 1 1 0.5 @blend_enable 1 @transform_reset 2 @scale 2 1 1 @position -1 0 0" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-44", "linecount" : 5, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 464.0, 431.0, 94.0, 75.0 ], "text" : "resample the waveform, in this case to the width of your screen." } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-38", "maxclass" : "message", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 299.0, 341.0, 79.0, 18.0 ], "text" : "outputlast $1" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-37", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "bang", "int" ], "patching_rect" : [ 254.0, 311.0, 32.5, 20.0 ], "text" : "t b i" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-25", "maxclass" : "message", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 254.0, 341.0, 44.0, 18.0 ], "text" : "output" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-23", "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 389.0, 281.0, 150.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "number of samples" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-21", "maxclass" : "flonum", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "float", "bang" ], "patching_rect" : [ 254.0, 281.0, 124.0, 20.0 ] } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-19", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "float" ], "patching_rect" : [ 254.0, 251.0, 49.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "* 1000." } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-18", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "float" ], "patching_rect" : [ 314.0, 251.0, 49.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "* 0.001" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-15", "maxclass" : "message", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 284.0, 146.0, 115.0, 18.0 ], "text" : "read jongly.aif 0. -1." } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-7", "maxclass" : "message", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 254.0, 86.0, 139.0, 18.0 ], "text" : "read drumLoop.aif 0. -1." } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-6", "maxclass" : "message", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 269.0, 116.0, 129.0, 18.0 ], "text" : "read rainstick.aif 0. -1." } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-9", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 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