{ "patcher" : { "fileversion" : 1, "rect" : [ 283.0, 68.0, 1220.0, 785.0 ], "bglocked" : 0, "defrect" : [ 283.0, 68.0, 1220.0, 785.0 ], "openrect" : [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], "openinpresentation" : 0, "default_fontsize" : 12.0, "default_fontface" : 0, "default_fontname" : "Arial", "gridonopen" : 0, "gridsize" : [ 15.0, 15.0 ], "gridsnaponopen" : 0, "toolbarvisible" : 1, "boxanimatetime" : 200, "imprint" : 0, "metadata" : [ ], "boxes" : [ { "box" : { "maxclass" : "number", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-89", "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "int", "bang" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 228.0, 746.0, 50.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 12.0 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "number", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-88", "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "int", "bang" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 101.0, 745.0, 50.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 12.0 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "button", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-82", "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "bang" ], "patching_rect" : [ 13.0, 584.0, 48.0, 48.0 ] } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "message", "numinlets" : 2, "id" : "obj-84", "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 42.0, 552.0, 50.0, 18.0 ], "fontsize" : 12.0 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "print", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-80", "numoutlets" : 0, "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 1094.0, 279.0, 34.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 12.0 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "print", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-74", "numoutlets" : 0, "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 915.0, 343.0, 34.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 12.0 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "jit.str.tosymbol", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-68", "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "", "" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 1091.0, 168.0, 87.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 12.0 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "jit.str.regexp @re ([^<]*)", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-69", "numoutlets" : 5, "outlettype" : [ "jit_matrix", "jit_matrix", "jit_matrix", "jit_matrix", "" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 971.0, 146.0, 229.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 12.0 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "jit.str.tosymbol", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-65", "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "", "" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 913.0, 203.0, 87.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 12.0 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "jit.str.regexp @re ([^<]*)", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-66", "numoutlets" : 5, "outlettype" : [ "jit_matrix", "jit_matrix", "jit_matrix", "jit_matrix", "" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 793.0, 181.0, 293.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 12.0 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "print relative", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-51", "numoutlets" : 0, "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 811.0, 125.0, 74.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "button", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-52", "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "bang" ], "patching_rect" : [ 748.0, 29.0, 20.0, 20.0 ] } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "relativepath", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-53", "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 748.0, 86.666626, 68.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "opendialog fold", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-54", "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "", "bang" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 748.0, 63.666626, 87.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "comment", "text" : "choose a folder to replace the current search path slot", "linecount" : 3, "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-55", "numoutlets" : 0, "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 769.0, 16.0, 108.0, 46.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "s ul", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-56", "numoutlets" : 0, "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 762.156921, 127.0, 27.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "r ul", "numinlets" : 0, "id" : "obj-50", "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 118.156921, 90.0, 27.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "r pg", "numinlets" : 0, "id" : "obj-1", "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 479.628723, 120.506783, 28.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "s pg", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-2", "numoutlets" : 0, "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 89.61853, 595.530518, 30.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "message", "text" : "done", "numinlets" : 2, "id" : "obj-3", "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 89.61853, 574.24408, 34.0, 18.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "comment", "text" : "fully qualified, needs zip", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-4", "numoutlets" : 0, "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 267.666687, 421.87796, 138.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "gate 2", "numinlets" : 2, "id" : "obj-5", "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "", "" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 219.633118, 368.101685, 41.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "+ 1", "numinlets" : 2, "id" : "obj-6", "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "int" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 394.965729, 337.852539, 27.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "> 0", "numinlets" : 2, "id" : "obj-7", "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "int" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 394.965729, 314.325409, 27.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "route match", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-8", "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "", "" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 394.965729, 290.798309, 70.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "jit.str.regexp @re http\\\\://", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-9", "numoutlets" : 5, "outlettype" : [ "jit_matrix", "jit_matrix", "jit_matrix", "jit_matrix", "" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 272.965729, 258.308472, 141.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "comment", "text" : "convert back to a Max symbol and place into a coll.", "linecount" : 2, "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-10", "numoutlets" : 0, "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 457.372711, 466.691528, 154.0, 33.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "route matrix", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-11", "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "", "" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 438.296143, 201.171188, 70.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "unpack 0 s", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-12", "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "int", "" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 390.604675, 175.403397, 65.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "t b", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-13", "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "bang" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 42.98687, 108.183052, 21.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "loadbang", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-14", "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "bang" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 499.765137, 305.362701, 56.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "route symbol", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-15", "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "", "" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 210.436905, 615.696594, 75.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "print progress", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-16", "numoutlets" : 0, "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 488.628723, 147.63559, 79.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "sel", "numinlets" : 2, "id" : "obj-17", "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "bang", "" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 89.61853, 527.189819, 27.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "prepend download", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-18", "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 210.436905, 641.464417, 104.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "t b", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-19", "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "bang" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 89.61853, 471.172882, 21.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "counter 0 0 1", "numinlets" : 5, "id" : "obj-20", "numoutlets" : 4, "outlettype" : [ "int", "", "", "int" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 89.61853, 498.061005, 76.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "route match", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-21", "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "", "" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 291.977386, 196.689835, 70.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "t 0 clear", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-22", "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "int", "clear" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 379.305603, 459.969482, 50.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "pack 0 s", "numinlets" : 2, "id" : "obj-23", "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 355.63092, 524.949158, 52.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "t b", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-24", "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "bang" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 355.63092, 459.969482, 21.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "counter", "numinlets" : 5, "id" : "obj-25", "numoutlets" : 4, "outlettype" : [ "int", "", "", "int" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 355.63092, 490.218658, 62.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "route download", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-26", "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "", "" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 390.604675, 149.63559, 88.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "jit.str.tosymbol", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-27", "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "", "" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 447.834442, 443.164398, 83.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "message", "text" : "http://arisgames.org/stagingserver1/gamedata/200/", "numinlets" : 2, "id" : "obj-28", "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 499.765137, 330.010162, 273.0, 18.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "jit.reverse", "numinlets" : 2, "id" : "obj-29", "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "", "" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 447.834442, 383.786438, 59.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "jit.str.fromsymbol", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-30", "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "jit_matrix", "" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 499.765137, 354.657623, 96.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "jit.str.op @op strcat", "numinlets" : 2, "id" : "obj-31", "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "jit_matrix", "" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 447.834442, 410.674591, 109.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "jit.textfile @title webpage", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-32", "numoutlets" : 3, "outlettype" : [ "jit_matrix", "jit_matrix", "" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 92.977386, 149.274582, 137.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "message", "text" : "download http://arisgames.org/stagingserver1/services/aris/collecteditems.php?gameId=200 matrix", "numinlets" : 2, "id" : "obj-33", "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 94.977386, 79.174576, 518.0, 18.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "jit.uldl", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-34", "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "jit_matrix", "" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 93.977386, 119.062714, 40.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "coll", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-35", "numoutlets" : 4, "outlettype" : [ "", "", "", "" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 210.436905, 586.56781, 53.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187, "save" : [ "#N", "coll", ";" ], "saved_object_attributes" : { "embed" : 0 } } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "jit.print @title match @info 1 @mode 2", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-36", "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "jit_matrix", "" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 242.977386, 231.420334, 208.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "newobj", "text" : "jit.str.regexp @re [\\\\w|/|:|.]*?\\\\.(?:caf)", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-37", "numoutlets" : 5, "outlettype" : [ "jit_matrix", "jit_matrix", "jit_matrix", "jit_matrix", "" ], "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 78.977386, 187.801697, 196.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "comment", "text" : "This patch will download the Cycling '74 home page to a Jitter matrix using jit.uldl (you can view the HTML in the jit.textfile object). It then uses jit.str.regexp to parse the HTML to extract any jpeg or gif files found on the page. These file names are then converted into Max messages and sent in sequence to jit.uldl, downloading each one.", "linecount" : 3, "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-38", "numoutlets" : 0, "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 57.824215, 32.0, 587.0, 46.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "comment", "text" : "we've hit the 'match' number and should stop getting coll items.", "linecount" : 2, "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-39", "numoutlets" : 0, "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 120.353027, 526.069458, 180.0, 33.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "comment", "text" : "• click the message box to begin the process", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-40", "numoutlets" : 0, "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 330.195465, 81.294914, 237.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "comment", "text" : "concatenate the URL base to the file names, if necessary.", "linecount" : 2, "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-41", "numoutlets" : 0, "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 515.662292, 375.944061, 162.0, 33.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "comment", "text" : "check for fully qualified URLs (not necessary on c74, but if the URL changes, it might be).", "linecount" : 2, "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-42", "numoutlets" : 0, "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 425.5784, 254.947464, 241.0, 33.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "comment", "text" : "needs URL prefix", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-43", "numoutlets" : 0, "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 271.905914, 380.425415, 100.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "comment", "text" : "string object practical: parser / downloader", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-44", "numoutlets" : 0, "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 37.68782, 669.4729, 317.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "comment", "text" : "Try some other URLs. This patch should work with any. Make sure to change the prefix URL (below) as well as the download URL (above)", "linecount" : 4, "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-45", "numoutlets" : 0, "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 524.140747, 174.283051, 193.0, 60.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "comment", "text" : "the RE: [\\\\w|/|:|.]*?\\\\.(?:jpg|gif) broken down", "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-46", "numoutlets" : 0, "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 462.671783, 499.181366, 229.0, 20.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "comment", "text" : "\\\\.(?:jpg|gif) searchs for a period (.) followed by jpg or gif. We need to use parenthesis to isolate the jpg and gif terms from the rest of the expression, but we don't want a back reference generated. (?: declares that these parens are being used only for isolation, and does not create a backref", "linecount" : 6, "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-47", "numoutlets" : 0, "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 470.090454, 596.650818, 270.0, 86.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "comment", "text" : "This sequence will continue (*) until it hits the next search term (? makes the * ungreedy -- it stops at the first instance of the next term)", "linecount" : 3, "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-48", "numoutlets" : 0, "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 470.090454, 549.596619, 243.0, 46.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } , { "box" : { "maxclass" : "comment", "text" : "[\\\\w|/|:|.]*? searches for a sequence composed of 'word' characters or the symbols /, : or .", "linecount" : 2, "numinlets" : 1, "id" : "obj-49", "numoutlets" : 0, "fontname" : "Arial", "patching_rect" : [ 470.090454, 517.106812, 250.0, 33.0 ], "fontsize" : 11.595187 } } ], "lines" : [ { "patchline" : { "source" : [ "obj-11", 0 ], "destination" : [ "obj-13", 0 ], "hidden" : 0, "color" : [ 1.0, 0.890196, 0.090196, 1.0 ], "midpoints" : [ 447.796143, 225.818649, 27.089716, 225.818649, 27.089716, 94.738983, 52.48687, 94.738983 ] } } , { "patchline" : { "source" : [ "obj-11", 1 ], "destination" : [ "obj-19", 0 ], "hidden" : 0, "color" : [ 0.8, 0.54902, 0.54902, 1.0 ], "midpoints" : [ 498.796143, 225.818649, 99.11853, 225.818649 ] } } , { "patchline" : { "source" : [ "obj-19", 0 ], "destination" : [ "obj-20", 0 ], "hidden" : 0, "midpoints" : [ ] } } , { "patchline" : { "source" : [ "obj-20", 0 ], "destination" : [ "obj-17", 0 ], "hidden" : 0, "midpoints" : [ ] } } , { "patchline" : { "source" : [ "obj-17", 0 ], "destination" : [ "obj-3", 0 ], "hidden" : 0, "midpoints" : [ ] } } , { "patchline" : { "source" : [ "obj-3", 0 ], "destination" : [ "obj-2", 0 ], "hidden" : 0, "midpoints" : [ ] } } , { "patchline" : { "source" : [ "obj-13", 0 ], "destination" : [ "obj-32", 0 ], "hidden" : 0, 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